
Curriculum Intent:

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. The Village Schools Partnership aims to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music of all types, allowing them to compose, perform and to listen music with discrimination.

All children in our schools take part in a whole-school high quality musical theatre production every year.

The National Plan for Music in England sets out a vision that ‘all children receive a high-quality music education’. Within the Village Partnership of schools, we ensure that all children have the opportunity to perform, listen, review and evaluate using different genres of musical styles. Children will be taught to sing, create and compose whilst appreciating how music is created and produced. Their skills and knowledge are built upon as they move through key stage 1 and 2.

Our Music Development Plan Summary for 2024-2025 is HERE



Children in the Partnership will spend up to an hour per week on musical activities, through dedicated lesson time and blocked periods of learning for performance. They learn to play instruments and singing for enjoyment.

All children have the opportunity of one full term of whole class ensemble tuition. The instruments include ukuleles, djembe drums, pocket trumpets, mini melodeons and mini samba.

All children have the opportunity to learn brass instruments or guitar, ukulele, piano or drum kit on an individual basis with the visiting peripatetic music teacher. They also play in a school band and take part in instrumental performances throughout the year.

The curriculum provides regular opportunities for children to sing together and to perform to an audience as well as listen to and appraise a range of musical styles and genres.

Children will use the key enquiry skills and musical vocabulary to deepen their understanding and enjoyment.

From Key Stage 2, all children experience reading music on a stave, whether in singing or through instrumental work.
In addition to Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET), the school uses the Charanga Music School scheme to provide structure, breadth of coverage and progression across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


Our school is well known in the community for the quality of its musical provision. Children perform annually in Singing Festivals at both Key Stage 1 and 2, and also take part in a high quality whole school musical theatre production every year (in 2021 at Woolsery, this was Peter Pan The Musical)

Teachers make ongoing assessment through observation of what children can do and by giving verbal feedback aimed at improving understanding and performance, as well as greater precision in describing and appraising other people's musical performance.
