Parkham: Key information

Link to School's Performance Tables:

How well are our schools performing?  

Below are some links to access academic and financial school performance date.   As the school is so small with very small number in a year group- less than 10- this data is only one  indicator of performance as percentages can vary enormously year from one year to the next. Often, our public data is supressed by the DfE due to small year group size.  The best way to judge our schools is to come and visit.

School Academic Performance data  

There is no statutory data for the academic year 2019-20 or 2020-21 due to the Covid 19 crisis and lockdown period.  However historic school data can be accessed on the DFE website.

Buckland Brewer


Please click on the following link for information regarding the School  Financial Performance Data.  The data shown here under one school name is the one budget for both Buckland Brewer and Parkham schools. Woolsery Primary retains its own separate budget at the present time.

Financial performance data

The School and Early Years Finance Regulations (England) allows for a local authority to allocate a single budget share to a governing body where there are two or more schools federated under section 24 of the Education Act 2002.  Federated schools receiving a single budget shares report collectively in their CFR return.  This Financial Benchmarking  includes data for both Buckland Brewer and Parkham Primary School


Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium funding is given to schools by the government with the aim of targeting learning for specific groups of children who are identified as "disadvantaged":

  • Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)
  • Those that have been identified for  FSM in the pasy six years (Ever6)
  • Children in Care, or have previously been in care (CiC)
  • There is also funding given to children belonging to armed forces families, known as Service Premium

Our Strategy and Report for 2019-2020 is HERE

Our Strategy Statement for 2020-2021 is HERE

Our Strategy for 2021-2022 is HERE

Our Plan for 2022-2026 is HERE

Sports Premium

Our school receives additional funding to support physical education and schools sports. This is known as the School Sports Premium Fund (SSPF)

Our Strategy for 2020-2021 is HERE

Our Strategy and Evaluation for 2021-22 is HERE

Our Strategy and Evluation for 2022-23 is HERE

Covid-19 Catch-up Premium

Details of how the school has planned to spend, and has spent, the £6720 allocated from the national Covid Catch Up Premium fund can be found here: Covid Catch Up Report


Click HERE for Parkham's most recent Inspection Report. The school is currently graded as Good.